Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Culture Game

Does anyone else think that part of the reason individuals have trouble assimilating into other cultures is that they are too worried about being accepted instead of noticing what's around them and observing so that they can adjust? During the game today, when I "visited" the other tribe, I was so absorbed in my attempts to get accepted into a group that I ignored the signs of cultural behavior unique to the other tribe. Eventually I was asked to leave, and my repeated efforts at speaking to the members were put down permanently. It really made me think: Maybe I need to stand back more and be more patient and wait without trying to rush in with what I believe is a universal value when trying to become aquainted with someone from a different culture.


Raito Genira said...

It is true that you should always learn something about a culture before you start to act.

I asked someone from the Alpha group what they did, and all they did was play this game with their cards and chips. The two groups had so completely different goals that it was hard to understand the other group, especially with a language barrier when they came over to us.

rupert putzo said...

I agree with what you said.
I was in Alpha, and when I went over to Beta I tried to fit in right away- but I had no idea what was going on. So even though I wasn't kicked out like others were, haha, I think that in our society today being accepted is one of the most important components of being "happy" during ones life.