Monday, November 24, 2008

Tripping Over Turkeys....

Yeah, so other than the fact that it's almost time for Thanksgiving Break...this post has nothing to do with turkeys....^.^'

Informant Script
Do you have time to be interviewed?
Sure. Plenty of time.
Okay. I won’t use your name, so everything will be pretty confidential.
Part 1
1) What year of school are you in?
Freshman; Biology major—was going for chemistry
2) Why do u get here early?
Hour in between Japanese lab and Japanese class….study
3) Do u actually end up studying?
Half the time I end up studying…half the time I take a quick nap.
4) Do you normally sleep out here or in the classroom?
Sleep in classroom…normally its quieter…people aren’t running around…
5) Where are you from?
Albany Ky. (South Central Ky.)
6) Do you have relatives here at UK? How many? Are any of them taking a language course? How do they feel about it?
7) So u would rather take a nap then talk with everybody?
If there’s not people to talk to, why not? Nobody’s usually there 70 minutes before class…short nap…not more than 15-20 minutes
8) Do you ever stay after class?
Maybe 5 min after class to talk…but sometimes if there’s a longer conversation
There’s not really much u can do when people are leaving
9) Who do you talk to?
Most of the time it’s from our class
Talks to Section two people some…only on Fridays because that’s when they usually seem to be there
Side note: Not speak to ESL-asked what ESL was…didn’t know when met, probably wouldn’t go that early even if he knew
10) Have you met anyone new here?
Two encounters in calc class…haven’t met anybody new here…
Side Note: Here I could have asked how he met the two people in Calc class…he said they were sitting next to him.
11) Do you talk to people of different ethnicities here?
Talked to nobody of different ethnicity I don’t know…not unless I come early for lab…
12) Why do u think it’s like that…no one speaking to people of different ethnicities?
This area’s mainly for foreign language classes…guess ‘you’re not going to see many non-natives
13) Do you ever make plans to go out anywhere with the people you talk to here?
Rarely…no one’s ever doing anything

Part 2
1) Do you usually sit in the same spot?
I usually sit in a spot that’s not occupied…
2) By not occupied do u mean there could be one person sitting here….
Prefers one with no person, but if has no choice chooses the one with the person he’s most familiar with if all chairs were full and clases were In session….Intermezzo…
3) Why do like/go to Intermezzo?
Good place to get a quick snack
4) Please describe the other people (The people in your class as well as the ones who aren’t) that hang out here.
Standard. Other times…it’s a bit unique….except for when someone rolls up to talk to you…

Part 3
1) What is it about class that makes you come early? What do you like/dislike about class? About JPN class like:
Almost everything. Don’t like…probably…communication…at times it’s a bit noisy…I don’t really ask people to study unless I’m asked…teacher moves a bit fast….
2) Would you feel comfortable approaching someone you didn’t know here? Why or why not?
Not really…depends on whether I need to talk to them or not…I’m not really good at starting conversations
3) Do you ever bring food down here?
Yes…usually on Fridays between the lab and the class…what better way to study with a little sandwich?
4) What about this place makes you feel comfortable enough to take a nap here? Is it the couches or the people or the familiarity and the classes?
Probably the familiarity…
5) Do you ever talk about anything other than class?
Talk about other things...fighter planes…
6) When did you find out about this place? How did you feel about this place as a freshman (sophomore, junior, senior)? How do you feel about it now?
I found this place when I went to find my classes…amazed…tallest building…I’m not sure I really found anything special about this one particular spot because it looked kinda’ plain.
7) Do you feel comfortable?
That I do.
8) Why?
It’s relaxing…
9) How?
Chairs and it’s pretty quite at time…other times there r people to talk to and just sit back and relax and have a chat


Reecie Foxtrot said...

Nice interview :)

Its interesting how your inteviewee didnt find anthing particularly interesting about the spot, he called it kind of plain, but then he likes to go there everyday to study likes the chairs and quietness and is comfortable there to take naps..

hmmm.. *thinks* hehe
well im a bit tired so im out of ideas, but great interview :)
If ur not in class tuesday, Ill say to have t great thanksgiving and break :)

-Reecie ^_^

Anonymous said...

Nice interview. I like how you sectioned it into 3 parts. I agree with Reecie that the interviewee didn't find anything special. "Familiarity" apparently allows them to take a nap.

Thanks. And Happy Turkey Day.

--Meh Jigsaw (