ESL Informant Script
1) Why did you want to become an ESL teacher? When did you decide you wanted to do so?
2) Was there any certain reason you came to UK?
3) How long have you been an ESL teacher?
4) How would you describe students in the ESL program?
5) Why would you say they participate in ESL?
6) How have you noticed them interact with each other? Do they seem friendly or hostile? Why do you think so?
7) How do English-speaking students in this area respond to them? Do they shy away or embrace non-native speakers? How so?
8) What are some common behaviors you have seen with students in your classes? Are they outgoing or shy?
9) Describe your current students.
10) Do you hear them speak about hanging out together or alone?
11) Do they linger outside the door?
12) Why do you believe they do so or do not do so?
13) Have you ever noticed them using English outside of class?
And here are the pics of the back of POT that I promised!!! : )
This is a bad picture because of the lighting, but this is one of the benches by the "ghost" doors that open just because of the wind and make the room cooler. It's on the side that my classmates used to sit on, as opposed to the side where the other class sits. If you'll notice also, there are the tall windows that let in natural lighting. As many of us have found, lighting seems to be an important lure because it creates ambiance. Maybe people find it more natural to revert to the basic practice of socialization here partly because of the natural lighting? It could also brighten the mood if it's clear skies or sunny out.
A more inclusive picture of "Our" side...
The "Other" side...
More to come... : ) Thanks for viewing!! Please comment on the script if you can think of anything, or even just to tell me you enjoyed the pictures...or how much the camera angle or flash sucked because I'm not a prophotographer...hahah.
OH! BTW!! I'd really like to thank the guy who has continuosly let me rent out a camera...he was very kind and helpful! You should definitely go talk to him in Patterson in the Writing Dep. and rent out a camera!!! Yay, pics!! *.*
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