Friday, September 26, 2008

Second Life Cosmos

"In-world" on SL, I've talked to a couple of people who are interested in other cultures and languages, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they go out and look for random people from other places. One girl, however, added me as a friend and talked to me despite the language barrier, because I tried to start a conversation. I guess this makes her at least a partial cosmopolitan, because she tried to understand me. Another guy I talked to had learned English and was very interested in the U.S. and English people, despite being from another country. I guess he was a cosmopolitan, because of his immersion into our culture and his trying to understand it. I mostly seem to be finding people who are hanging out with others that they know or have met before, but I don't know when they met or how long they have been doing so. I really haven't talked much on SL so far. I'm not very good at the basics yet, and I need to figure out how to use the notecards so I can start interviewing people.

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