Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why I Posted the Movie

The reasons I posted "Kiseki" or "Miracle" by Greeen (Not sure if it's three e's or four...)are as follows:
a) It's a video I really enjoy, and I wanted to share it with you all, it's not a typical pop vid with drugs, sex and violence
b)I think it pertains to this class somewhat, in that it deals with family, relationships and remotely, community

How is "Kiseki" by Greeeen an example of community?

In the beginning, everyone has their place in the community. Miki-san has her study group/group of friends from school. Dai-san has baseball practice. The husband has to work. And the wife and grandmother stay home to take care of the grandfather. (I'm guessing they're the grandparents.) This shows how important community is to everyone. Later on in the video, we see that being a part of this community is important because of the relationships everyone holds in their specific groups. Dai-san practices with a friend. Miki-san studies and hangs out with other students that she enjoys being with and that enjoy being with her.

In the beginning we see the grandmother and mother taking care of the grandfather, and we also hear that the father doesn't even get saturdays off. The news reporter suggests going out with family since it's a nice day. Later on we see the father cheering up his daughter after she's had a rough conversation with her mother about coming home late. This says that community is important, but family will always be there, and is just as important if not more. All of them are there for one another. In the end, the old man smiles because he is happy to be with his family.It says in thw lyrics that "thank you" and "Oh, I love your" aren't enough...but when he showed that he was happy by smiling, everyone else was happy too. I don't think that saying things is enough. Showing how you feel is very very important. Words can be taken as false, and don't have the kind of clarity actions do.But then, people can act contrary to how they feel, as well.
In both community and family, people are there for one another, and meeting these kinds of people is a miracle. Is it not a miracle that people often act as kind to one another as they do? "Just that we've met is a miracle."Whether our meeting was coincidence or fate just the fact that we've met is a

The importance of relationships: Even on days when nothing goes right just being together cheers me up. Even if we lose sight of tomorrow we walk close together. Because I'm with you I can continue to be alive.

Tomorrow, I'll smile more than today. Maybe this suggests that relationships have to develop or that as we grow older we will understand our relationships with family or others more clearly, and be able to see the bonds as more valuable. "The days you've given me add up."

Even though I'm already loving you this much I can't even put it into words. The importance of relationships can't be put into words...

First off, this isn't your typical pop song with dirty-minded lyrics. It's about a true love for all of the people around you. I know that sounds gushy, but I think it's endearing...and isn't the part at the end with the kids cute?

I think we shouldn't disturb them...
But I'm hungry...


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